There are times in life that make you think
why sail on a ship you know will sink...
you ride the waves, some high some low
uncertain waters,you go with the flow
no shore in sight no will to fight
you kill the hope for all respite
bereft,uncared you drown alone...kicking waters with hurting bones
shoulders heavy,the mind all jammed...aimless plunge to destination 'DAMNED'
deep within darkness surrounds
panic to pain, your senses drown
you feel you are dead or worst, still alive...
the longer it takes the longer the strife
and just when you embrace the end
you witness a moment in time transcend
wheel-chair bound a crippled man
surviving the odds the best he can
A broken soul he tries to hide
behind a tranquil smile of pride
with a will of steel he conquers life
moving ahead though hurdles rife
That moment you look at YOU and think
"I have it all and yet I sink!"
shallow you feel to loose your ground
ungrateful though blessings abound
you just didn't try too hard you know
blamed the world and let it go
cursing life and cussing fate
you miss out the phrase "Its never too late"
though a per
fect life is a perfect lie
yet, to perfect life we all should try
be a reason for someone elses smile
a ready shoulder for friends to cry
a laugh,a tear,some sorrow,some fun
give 'a moment of life' for someone!:)
why sail on a ship you know will sink...
you ride the waves, some high some low
uncertain waters,you go with the flow
no shore in sight no will to fight
you kill the hope for all respite
bereft,uncared you drown alone...kicking waters with hurting bones
shoulders heavy,the mind all jammed...aimless plunge to destination 'DAMNED'
deep within darkness surrounds
panic to pain, your senses drown
you feel you are dead or worst, still alive...
the longer it takes the longer the strife
and just when you embrace the end
you witness a moment in time transcend
wheel-chair bound a crippled man
surviving the odds the best he can
A broken soul he tries to hide
behind a tranquil smile of pride
with a will of steel he conquers life
moving ahead though hurdles rife
That moment you look at YOU and think
"I have it all and yet I sink!"
shallow you feel to loose your ground
ungrateful though blessings abound
you just didn't try too hard you know
blamed the world and let it go
cursing life and cussing fate
you miss out the phrase "Its never too late"
though a per

yet, to perfect life we all should try
be a reason for someone elses smile
a ready shoulder for friends to cry
a laugh,a tear,some sorrow,some fun
give 'a moment of life' for someone!:)
seems like you inked out your heart , very good : )
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